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Why Owning a Home Is Worth It in the Long Run

Today’s mortgage rates and home prices may have you second-guessing whether it’s still a good idea to buy a home right now. While market factors are definitely important, there’s also a bigger picture to consider: the long-term benefits of homeownership.

Think of it this way. If you know people who bought a home 5, 10, or even 30 years ago, you’re probably going to have a hard time finding someone who regrets their decision. That’s because over time, home values usually grow – and that means a homeowner’s net worth does too. Here’s a look at how that can really add up over the years.

Home Price Growth over Time

The map below uses data from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to show how much prices have grown over the last five years. Since home prices vary by area, the map is broken out regionally to really showcase larger market trends:

The second map shows that, over a roughly 30-year span, home prices appreciated by an average of more than 320% nationally.

So the typical homeowner who bought a house about 30 years ago saw their home triple in value during that time. And that’s a major reason so many homeowners who bought their homes years ago are still happy with their decision today.

Bottom Line

There’s no denying today’s market is complex. But if you’re ready and able to buy right now, get in touch with an agent to talk through how you can still make your move happen. That way you can take advantage of the long-term advantages that come with homeownership, like your ability to build wealth as your home value rises.


Natalie Martinez

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