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Millions of Americans Have Discovered the Benefits of Multigenerational Households

Millions of Americans Have Discovered the Benefits of Multigenerational Households

If your needs are changing, you may be thinking about sharing a home with additional loved ones, such as grandparents, adult children, or other extended family members. Whether it’s for financial or health-related circumstances, or simply because you’ve reached a new phase of life, you might be wondering if living with multiple generations under the Read More

Advice for First-Generation Homebuyers

Advice for First-Generation Homebuyers

The sense of pride you’ll feel when you purchase a home can’t be overstated. For first-generation homebuyers, that feeling of accomplishment is even greater. That’s because the pride of homeownership for first-generation buyers extends far beyond the homebuyer. AJ Barkley, Head of Neighborhood and Community Lending for Bank of America, says: “Achieving this goal can Read More

Retirement May Be Changing What You Need in a Home

Retirement May Be Changing What You Need in a Home

The past year and a half brought about significant life changes for many of us. For some, it meant entering retirement earlier than expected. Recent data shows more people retired this year than anticipated. According to the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, 2021 saw a retirement boom: “At least 1.7 million more older workers Read More

Is a 20% Down Payment Really Necessary To Purchase a Home?

Is a 20% Down Payment Really Necessary To Purchase a Home?

There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down payment. In fact, a recent survey by Lending Tree asks what is keeping consumers from purchasing a home. For over half of those surveyed, the ability to afford a down payment is Read More

More Young People Are Buying Homes

More Young People Are Buying Homes

There’s a common misconception that younger generations aren’t interested in homeownership. Many people point to the fact that millennials put off purchasing their first home as a reason for this belief. Odeta Kushi, Deputy Chief Economist for First American, explains why millennials have put off certain milestones linked to homeownership. Those delays led to their Read More

The Truths Young Homebuyers Need To Hear

The Truths Young Homebuyers Need To Hear

For many young or first-time homebuyers, purchasing a home can feel intimidating. A recent survey shows some homebuyers ages 25 to 40 may be unsure about the homebuying process and what they can afford. It found: “1 in 4 underestimated their buying potential by $150k or more” “1 in 4 underestimated the increase in value Read More

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter I’m analytical… sometimes to the point of being overly practical or too direct. But I’m not uncaring! Oh, to the contrary (and this is where I lose a lot of outwardly “feeling” people – usually women, sorry ladies!) when I care for a person, project or cause WATCH OUT! I Read More

Multigenerational Housing Is Gaining Momentum [INFOGRAPHIC]

Multigenerational Housing Is Gaining Momentum [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights If your house is feeling a little cramped with the addition of adult children or aging parents, it might be time to consider a move-up into a multigenerational home that better suits your changing needs. With benefits that include a combined homebuying budget and shared caregiving duties, an increasing number of households are Read More