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What You Want To Know If You’re Pursuing Your Dream of Homeownership

What You Want To Know If You’re Pursuing Your Dream of Homeownership

If you’re a young adult, you may be thinking about your goals and priorities for the months and years ahead. And if homeownership ranks high on your goal sheet, you’re in good company. Many of your peers are also pursuing their dream of owning a home. The 2022 Millennial & Gen Z Borrower Sentiment Report Read More

More People Are Finding the Benefits of Multigenerational Households Today

More People Are Finding the Benefits of Multigenerational Households Today

If you’re thinking of buying a home and living with siblings, parents, or grandparents, then multigenerational living may be for you. The Pew Research Center defines a multigenerational household as a home with two or more adult generations. And the number of individuals choosing multigenerational living has increased over the past 50 years. As you Read More

Do You Believe Homeownership Is Out of Reach? Maybe It Doesn’t Have To Be.

Do You Believe Homeownership Is Out of Reach? Maybe It Doesn’t Have To Be.

It turns out, millennials aren’t the renter generation after all. The 2022 Consumer Insights Report from Mynd says there’s a portion of millennial and Gen Z buyers who are pursuing homeownership as a way to build their wealth, but it may not be exactly the way previous generations have done it. The study explains how Read More

Millennials Are Still a Driving Force of Today’s Buyer Demand

Millennials Are Still a Driving Force of Today’s Buyer Demand

If you’re thinking about selling your house but wondering if buyers are still out there, know that there are still people who are searching for a home to buy today. And your house may be exactly what they’re looking for. While the millennial generation has been dubbed the renter generation, that namesake may not be Read More

Planning To Retire? Your Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goal.

Planning To Retire? Your Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goal.

Whether you’ve just retired or you’re thinking about retirement, you may be considering your options and trying to picture a whole new stage of your life. And you’re not alone. Research from the Retirement Industry Trust Association (RITA) shows 10,000 Baby Boomers reach the typical retirement age (65) every day, and only 47% of the Read More

What Is Multigenerational Housing? [INFOGRAPHIC]

What Is Multigenerational Housing? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights If you have additional loved ones coming to live with you but don’t have enough space, it may be time to consider a larger, multigenerational home. Some key benefits of multigenerational living include a combined homebuying budget, shared caregiving duties, enhanced relationships, and more. These benefits might be why more people are choosing Read More

The Path To Homeownership Can Be Steeper for Some Americans

The Path To Homeownership Can Be Steeper for Some Americans

As we celebrate Black History Month, we honor and recognize the past and present experiences of Black Americans. A significant part of this experience is investing in a home of their own. While equitable access to housing has come a long way, the path to homeownership is still steeper for households of color. It’s an Read More